How to Use the Community Demographic Mapping Tool

The SparkMap Community Demographic Mapping Tool can help you quickly gather information about the demographic makeup of your community of interest. The tool allows you to easily view community poverty levels, educational attainment, population, persons per square mile, gender, age, and race/ethnicity information for your selected geography.


Access the Community Demographic Mapping Tool


Select Geography Level and Location of Interest


Generate Report

Step 1 – Access the Community Demographic Mapping Tool

Open the Map Room.

Press the “Tools” button on the left side of the menu. Select the “Community Demographic Mapping” tool (Figure 1).

Map Room with community demographics tool location circled in red
Figure 1: Map Room with the Community Demographic Mapping Tool location circled in red.

Looking to create a ZIP code-level community needs assessment? You can do so with a Premium Annual Subscription. Already a Premium Annual Subscriber? Check out our tutorial, How to Build A ZIP Code-Level Community Needs Assessment.

Step 2 – Select Geography Level and Location of Interest

Once you’ve opened the Tool, you’ll be asked to define your area (Figure 2).

Community demographic mapping tool geography dropdown circled in red
Figure 2: Drop down menu to select a geography type circled in red.

Select the type of area you’re interested in from the options presented. You can define your area by county, city/town, census tract, or state.

Once selected, the corresponding geographic boundaries will appear on the map as well as instructions on how to select your desired report locations (Figure 3).

Map zoomed into Arizona, showing the county boundaries
Figure 3: Map zoomed into Arizona, showing county boundaries per the geography selection.

Click on one or more locations on the map to add these areas to your report (Figure 4). If you would like to remove an area for your map, either unclick it, or select the trash can button next to the location in the tool pane.

Map zoomed into Arizona with three counties highlighted in red because they were selected
Figure 4: Three selected counties highlighted in red.

Step 3 – Generate Report

To generate a report, click the “View Report” button (Figure 5). Your report will open on the right side of the map room. You will have the options to download the report as a PDF, view it in full screen, or print it.

Community demographic mapping menu with the "view report" button circled in red
Figure 5: Tool menu with the “View Report” button circled in red.

For a sample report (PDF), click here.

For more information on how to use the Map Room, check out our other support materials.