Decoding Commuting Distance Patterns

Decoding Commuting Distance Patterns

Introduction Commuting has important implications for our health, environment, and economy as discussed in a previous blog post. To follow up on the previous piece, this post further explores commuting patterns by taking a closer look at commuting distances. We will highlight some new analyses and modeling done on publicly available commuting data to learn…

Measures of Race and Ethnicity: A Look at Shifting Demographics

Measures of Race and Ethnicity: A Look at Shifting Demographics

In this SparkMap Webinar, we provide informative definitions of race and ethnicity and discuss the importance of population change to community development. We also highlight the changing landscape of race and ethnicity in the United States and why it’s important. We wrap up by demonstrating how to find and interpret demographics information in both the…

Tracking Data Trends Over Time: Enhancing Data Literacy pt. 3

Tracking Data Trends Over Time: Enhancing Data Literacy pt. 3

Focusing on trends in data over time is interesting and impactful. Understanding which job sectors have grown in the last five years, illuminating areas of increased health disparity, or tracking migration patterns within the country are important for community development, resource allocation, and legislative efforts. While it’s easy to assume data from the same sources…