Missouri Area Career Centers

This layer displays the location of Area Career Centers (ACCs) in Missouri. Area Career Centers provide Career and Technical Training for students from participating high schools and community colleges. Courses often include Culinary and Hospitality Management, Building Trades, Electrical Technologies, Early Education, and others, but vary from center to center. Contact your local ACC for…

Missouri Labor Supply and Demand

These layers display the gap in the percent of advertised jobs posted for an industry and the percent of jobseekers applying for positions in that industry. This analysis takes job seeker information from people who registered with jobs.mo.gov in 2016, and compares it to employer job ads during the same time period. The analysis was…

Missouri Apprenticeships

This layer displays the location of various apprenticeship programs throughout the state of Missouri. Registered Apprenticeship is a highly flexible “earn while you learn” training model for employment that pays more as a worker (apprentice) reaches higher productivity levels. In addition to rewarding performance, Registered Apprenticeship combines employer-driven job-related instruction with extensive on-the-job learning under…

Missouri Commuters

This layer displays commuting connections between US Census Tracts. Each line represents a minimum of 20 commuters between any two tracts. Direction is not displayed, with the exception of commuters who live outside of the state of Missouri and commute into the state. Data was aggregated from the census block level using the LEHD Origin-Destination…

New maps and data now available for cancer incidence indicators from the CDC / NCI State Cancer Profiles databases.

New 5-year average cancer incidence rates for 2013-2017 are now available. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Cancer Incidence – All Sites Cancer Incidence – Breast Cancer Incidence – Colon and Rectum Cancer Incidence – Lung Cancer Incidence – Prostate