New indicators added to the CHNA platform!

Ten new indicators have been added to the CHNA platform! New Indicators: Clinical Care Access to Dentists Demographics Veteran Population Health Outcomes Depression – Medicare Population Physical Environment Housing Environment – Assisted Housing Housing Environment – Assisted Housing Housing Environment – Housing Unit Age Housing Environment – Substandard Housing Housing Environment – Vacancy Rate Social…

County-level breakouts added to Reading Below Proficiency (US) indicator.

County-level estimates have been added to the Reading Below Proficiency indicator. Data are estimates from school district figures, obtained by proportionally weighting and then aggregating the data for each school district that intersects a county. School district weights are based on the school-aged population (5-17) from the 2010 Decennial Census.

New data! Updated data for Free and Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility from the U.S. Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Data for school year 2013-2014 released from NCES (replacing data for school year 2012-2013). Affected indicators: Social & Economic Factors Free and Reduced Price Lunch Student Eligibility

New maps and data now available for 7 mortality indicators from the CDC WONDER Underlying Cause of Death Database. Update pertains to Non-California service areas only.

New 5-year mortality rates for 2009-2013 are now available (replacing data for 2007-2011). Breakouts available by gender and by combined race/ethnicity. Single-year mortality rates for 2002 through 2013 have been added to display trends over time for states and the total US only. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Mortality – Cancer Mortality – Heart Disease Mortality…

New maps and data now available for 9 mortality indicators from the CDC WONDER Underlying Cause of Death Database.

New 5-year mortality rates for 2009-2013 are now available (replacing data for 2007-2011). Breakouts available by gender and by combined race/ethnicity. Single-year mortality rates for 2002 through 2013 have been added to display trends over time for states and the total US only. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Mortality – Cancer Mortality – Heart Disease Mortality…

Correction made to service area and region values for all cancer incidence indicators.

A calculation error was identified and corrected. The error affected service areas and regions such that the reported figures were the crude average of the service area value and the value for the state of California as a whole. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Cancer Incidence – Breast Cancer Incidence – Cervical Cancer Incidence – Colon…