Forest Productivity
Forest Productivity is a measure of wood volume likely to be produced by the most important tree species based on soil characteristics.
Forest Productivity is a measure of wood volume likely to be produced by the most important tree species based on soil characteristics.
The National Commodity Crop Productivity Index, or NCCPI, a rating of the non-irrigated productivity of the soil, has been updated to the October 2019 NRCS SSURGO data release.
Updates have been made to the vulnerable population footprint (VPF) tool maps and data! New data from the 2014-2018 American Community Survey replaces data from the previous year.
Separated ethnicity (Hispanic or Latino) origin from race tabulations. Tabulations added for non-Hispanic population. Affected indicators: Total Male Population; Total Female Population; Total Population Age 0-4; Total Population Age 5-17; Total Population Age 18-24; Total Population Age 24-34; Total Population Age 35-44; Total Population Age 45-54; Total Population Age 55-64; Total Population Age 65 or…
Changed data source (from 2010 Decennial Census) to ACS 2006-2010. Indicator is now comparable with other reported demographic statistics. Affected indicators: Total Population.
Changed data source (from county-level 2006 CDC/EPA NEPHTN data) to CDC/EPA 2008 NEPHTN Hierarchical Bayesian Space Time Modeling System (HBM) raw model data. New data processed and summarized at tract level. Affected Indicators: Poor Air Quality (PM 2.5).
Indicator description and report field text corrected. Previous text incorrectly represented the data as estimates for inadequate social/emotional support.
Changed data source (from CDPH Death Profiles by ZIP Code) to the CDPH Death Statistical Master File (2008-2010). Data now reported using age-adjusted rates for comparison with HP2020 objectives. Race and ethnicity summaries added by county for areas with 10 or more deaths over the report period. All maps are available at the ZIP code…
Changed data source (from CDC NVSS 2003-2006) to the CDC National Vital Statistics System 2003-2009. Death counts were downloaded from the CDC WONDER query system; birth counts were acquried from the Health Indicator Warehouse. Rates now reported for over 2,000 counties; race and ethnicity statistics reported for counties with 10 or more deaths over the…
Service area mortality rates now tabulated from ZCTA-level data (instead of county-level data) to provide more accurate small-area estimates. Service area race/ethnicity mortality rates removed. Affected indicators: Cancer Mortality (CA Only); Heart Disease Mortality (CA Only); Stroke Mortality (CA Only); Motor Vehicle Crash Death (CA Only); Pedestrian Motor Vehicle Death (CA Only);</ Suicide (CA Only)…