New maps and data now available for indicators from the Small Area Income and Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program.

New maps and data now available for indicators from the 2022 US Census Bureau’s SAHIE program (replacing data for 2021). Annual data depicting trends over time is now available for counties, states, and the US for years 2011 through 2022. Affected indicators: Uninsured Population – Total (Under Age 65)

New maps and data now available for 7 indicators from the National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Prevention (NCHHSTP)

New maps and data now available for indicators from the 2022 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Prevention (NCHHSTP) (replacing data for 2021). Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Chlamydia Gonorrhea HIV Incidence HIV Prevalence Primary and Secondary Syphilis Incidence Early Non-Primary, Secondary Syphilis Incidence