New Data! The Community Commons Maproom now provides access to 27 maps layers covering data from the 500 Cities Project!

Map data topics include preventative health, risk behaviors, and clinical care. Estimates from the 500 Cities Project are available at the state, city, and census tract level. For more map layers from this series, search the Map Room for the terms 500 Cities.

Majority-Minority Schools

This layer displays the location of public schools where the majority (50% or more) of the student body is a minority race or ethnicity (American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, or Multiple Race). This point-level data is acquired from the 2014-2015 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD).

Preventable Hospitalizations, Rate per 1,000 Medicare Beneficiaries, 2014

Layer displays the rate at which Medicare beneficiaries were hospitalized for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) in 2014. ACSC conditions are are potentially preventable given appropriate primary and preventive care. Data are acquired from the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare and mapped by Hospital Service Area, County, and State.