Self Employment, 2014

This layer displays information about proprietor employment (or self employment) and income by county. Average measures of income are calculated as the total proprietor income of an area divided by the estimated number of proprietors within the area. Percentages are calculated by dividing the estimated proprietor employment by the total employment in an area. Information…

Per Capita Income, 2014

This layer displays per capita personal income by county. This measure of income is calculated as the total personal income of the residents of an area divided by the population of the area. Per capita personal income is often used as an indicator of consumers’ purchasing power and of the economic well-being of the residents…

Rural vs. Urban Childhood Poverty

This layer displays information about the difference between rural and urban childhood poverty across the United States. Data are based on census-tract level information from the 2010-14 American Community Survey. Census tracts are defined as urban or rural based on 2010 US Census Bureau definitions; tract level information is then aggregated to and displayed at…