New maps and data now available for 9 mortality indicators from the CDC WONDER Underlying Cause of Death Database.

New 5-year mortality rates for 2012-2016 are now available (replacing data for 2011-2015). Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Mortality – Cancer Mortality – Heart Disease Mortality – Homicide Mortality – Coronary Heart Disease Mortality – Lung Disease Mortality – Motor Vehicle Accident Mortality – Stroke Mortality – Suicide Mortality – Unintentional Injury

New maps and data now available for 4 indicators from the US Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns program.

New maps and data now available for 4 indicators from the 2016 US Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns (replacing data for 2015). Annual data depicting trends over time is now available for counties, states, and the US for 2010 through 2016. Affected indicators: Physical Environment Fast Food Restaurant Access Grocery Store Access Liquor Store Access…

New maps and data now available for cancer incidence indicators from the CDC / NCI State Cancer Profiles databases.

New 5-year average cancer incidence rates for 2011-2015 are now available. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Cancer Incidence – All Sites Cancer Incidence – Breast Cancer Incidence – Colon and Rectum Cancer Incidence – Lung Cancer Incidence – Prostate

New maps and data now available for the Transfer Payments indicator from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

New maps and data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis display information about personal income from transfer receipts (benefits received by persons for which no current services are performed). New breakouts display transfer payment income by source: Retirement and disability; Medical benefits; Income maintenance benefits (SSI, EITC, SNAP, etc.); Unemployment; Veterans’ benefits; Education and training…

Correction made to export to Excel function for three indicators.

An issue was identified affecting the export to Excel data for multi-county report areas in three indicator datasets. For these indicators a database query needed to summarize data across multiple counties was missing causing state, county, and national values to populate across the excel table columns incorrectly. This issue has been addressed. Affected indicators: 30-Day…

Correction made to state-level values for nine mortality indicators.

An issue was identified affecting state-level values for five mortality indicators using 2012-2016 National Vital Statistics System data. Report data tables were displaying estimates for the Hispanic population rather than the Total population. The issue has been corrected. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Mortality – Cancer Mortality – Heart Disease Mortality – Homicide Mortality – Coronary…

New maps and data now available for 3 indicators from the CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).

New data about physical inactivity, diabetes, and obesity are available for 2015 (replacing data for 2013). Time series data are updated to include 2004 through 2015. Affected indicators: Health Behaviors Physical Inactivity (Adult) Health Outcomes Diabetes Prevalence Obesity (Adult)

New maps and data now available for population demographic and socioeconomic characteristics from the US Census Bureau’s American Communuity Survey (ACS).

American Community Survey data for the 2013-17 five-year period has been processed and released! These updates replace previous indicator data from the 2012-2016 five-year period.