New maps and data for addiction/substance abuse providers added to the reporting platform!
Data has been updated to the latest (Fenruary, 2020) version of the CMS NPPES database.
Data has been updated to the latest (Fenruary, 2020) version of the CMS NPPES database.
Analysis was implemented to generate tract-level estimates of access to SNAP-authorized retailers. Counts of SNAP Retailers are current as of April, 2019. Population estimates are from the US 2010 Decennial Census. Maps are now available at the 2010 census tract level.
New maps and data now available for High School Graduation Rate indicator. New estimates for the 2015-2016 school year were acquired from the US Department of Education (ED).
Data has been updated to the latest (Fenruary, 2020) version of the CMS NPPES database.
New maps and data now available for High School Graduation Rate indicator. New estimates for the 2016-2017 school year were acquired from the US Department of Education (ED), replacing estimates from the previous school year. Trend-over-time is now available for this indicator!
New 5-year mortality rates for 2011-2015 are now available (replacing data for 2010-2014). Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Mortality – Cancer Mortality – Heart Disease Mortality – Homicide Mortality – Coronary Heart Disease Mortality – Lung Disease Mortality – Motor Vehicle Accident Mortality – Stroke Mortality – Suicide Mortality – Unintentional Injury
Data have been updated to the most recent time period (2017-2019). Single-year trends are now available for years 2012-2019.
An error was identified following the 2/17/20 update of the Primary Care Physicians indicator. Following the update, a change in the underlying data resulted in population totals being doubled and rates halved for state and national-level calculations. Values for individual counties and custom report areas were unaffected. This error has been corrected.
Data has been updated to the most recent period (December 2017). Trend-over-time data is now available with this indicator!
Data for school year 2015-2016 released from NCES (replacing data for school year 2014-2015). Affected indicators: Social & Economic Factors Free and Reduced Price Lunch Student Eligibility