New American Community Survey data indicators!

As part of this release, we are adding new indicators in the assessment tool for Premium subscribers. Some of the new indicators include: Demographics: Non-White Population; Native American/Alaska Native Population Education: School Enrollment (Age 5 – 17); Post-Secondary Enrollment Income and Economics: Work Hours; Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate; Employment by Disability Status; Employment by…

**Important Note for Connecticut Data Users**

Due to changes in administrative boundaries in the state of Connecticut, SparkMap has updated the county-level location selection to use the latest Connecticut planning regions. Data for indicators sourced from the 2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates are direct estimates fas provided by the Census Bureau. Data for indicators with census-tracts, ZIP codes, and counties…

New maps and data for 2019 now available for the Diabetes Incidence indicator! ***PREM***

Data for 2019 acquired from the NCCDPHP Diabetes Interactive Atlases (replacing data for 2018). All the data from previous years since 2004 are updated as well by CDC for methodology change. Confidence intervals also available for data through the map interface. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Diabetes Incidence

New maps and data now available for 3 indicators from the CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).

New data about physical inactivity, diabetes, and obesity are available for 2021 (replacing data for 2019). Time series data are updated to include 2004 through 2019. Affected indicators: Health Behaviors Physical Inactivity (Adult) Health Outcomes Diabetes Prevalence Obesity (Adult)