New maps and data now available for population demographic and socioeconomic characteristics from the US Census Bureau’s American Communuity Survey (ACS).

American Community Survey data for the 2012-16 five-year period has been processed and released! These updates replace previous indicator data from the 2011-2015 five-year period. Data from previous years is accessible via saved “static” reports, or by searching the Community Commons Map Room.

New maps and data now available for indicators from the Small Area Income and Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program.

New maps and data now available for indicators from the 2018 US Census Bureau’s SAHIE program (replacing data for 2017). Annual data depicting trends over time is now available for counties, states, and the US for years 2011 through 2018. Affected indicators: Uninsured Population – Adults Age 18-64

New maps and data for tree canopy coverage coverage provided by the National Land Cover Database (NLCD)

NLCD tree canopy cover is a 30 m raster geospatial dataset that is available for the conterminous United States, coastal Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. These data contain percent tree canopy estimates, as a continuous variable, for each pixel across all land covers and types and are generated by the United States Forest Service (USFS).

New indicator added to the reporting platform!

New data on the availability of providers that specialize in addiction or substance abuse treatment have been added to the reporting platform. Addiction or substance abuse providers include MDs, DOs, and other credentialed professionals specializing in substance abuse treatment, rehabilitation, addiction medicine, or providing methadone. Reporting elements include the total number and rate of providers…

New maps and data now available for population demographic and socioeconomic characteristics from the US Census Bureau’s American Communuity Survey (ACS).

American Community Survey data for the 2012-16 five-year period has been processed and released! These updates replace previous indicator data from the 2011-2015 five-year period. Data from previous years is accessible via saved “static” reports, or by searching the Community Commons Map Room.

New maps and data now available for indicators from the Small Area Income and Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program.

New maps and data now available for indicators from the 2018 US Census Bureau’s SAHIE program (replacing data for 2017). Annual data depicting trends over time is now available for counties, states, and the US for years 2011 through 2018. Affected indicators: Uninsured Population – Under Age 18

New maps and data now available for population demographic and socioeconomic characteristics from the US Census Bureau’s American Communuity Survey (ACS).

American Community Survey data for the 2014-18 five-year period has been processed and released! These updates replace previous indicator data from the 2013-2017 five-year period.

New indicator added to the reporting platform!

New data on the availability of providers that specialize in mental health have been added to the reporting platform. Mental health providers include licensed clinical social workers and other credentialed professionals specializing in psychiatry, psychology, counselling, or child, adolescent, or adult mental health. Reporting elements include the total number and rate of providers in the…

New maps and data now available for SNAP-Authorized Food Store Access indicator from the US Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service.

Analysis was implemented to generate tract-level estimates of access to SNAP-authorized retailers. Counts of SNAP Retailers are current as of December 2017. Population estimates are from the US 2010 Decennial Census. Maps are now available at the 2010 census tract level.

New maps and data now available for indicators from the Small Area Income and Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program.

New maps and data now available for indicators from the 2018 US Census Bureau’s SAHIE program (replacing data for 2017). Annual data depicting trends over time is now available for counties, states, and the US for years 2011 through 2018. Affected indicators: Uninsured Population – Total (Under Age 65)