New maps and data now available for 3 indicators from the CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).

New data about physical inactivity, diabetes, and obesity are available for 2011 (replacing data for 2010). Time series data are now available for years 2004 through 2011. Affected indicators: Health Behaviors Physical Inactivity (Adult) Health Outcomes Diabetes Prevalence Obesity (Adult)

Correction made to Total Population figure for service-area and region-level report areas for seven mortality indicators (CA only).

An error was identified in which total population figures for service areas and regions in California were reported as an aggregate over the three-year data collection period (2010-2012) rather than as a point-in-time figure. Population figures have been updated to represent the total 2010 census population. Mortality rates, both crude and adjusted, were unaffected by…

New maps and data now available for two indicators, released as part of the University of Wisconsin’s 2016 County Health Rankings.

New indicator data and maps are now available from the 2016 County Health Rankings (CHR) (replacing data from the 2014 CHR). Affected indicators: Clinical Care Access to Mental Health Providers, 2015 Health Outcomes Premature Death, 2011-13

New maps and data now available for 3 Clinical Care indicators from the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare.

New data on primary care utilization among Medicare beneficiaries are available for 2012 (replacing data for 2010). Time series data are now available for years 2008 through 2012. Affected indicators: Clinical Care Cancer Screening – Mammogram Diabetes Management – Hemoglobin A1c Test Preventable Hospital Events

New maps and data now available for the Adult Smoking indicator from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the University of Wisconsin’s County Health Rankings (CHR).

Data have been updated to the most recent time period (2017). Data are obtained from the the 2020 County Health Rankings, released on March 23, 2020. Affected Indicators: Adult Smoking

New maps and data now available for indicators from the CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).

New data are available for 2016 (replacing data for 2015). Time series data are updated to include 2004 through 2016. Data by gender (male/female) are also available for this indicator. Physical Inactivity (Adult)

Correction made to export to Excel function for three indicators.

An issue was identified affecting the export to Excel data for multi-county report areas in three indicator datasets. For these indicators a database query needed to summarize data across multiple counties was missing causing state, county, and national values to populate across the excel table columns incorrectly. This issue has been addressed. Affected indicators: 30-Day…

Correction made to custom geographic areas for Access to Primary Care indicator values.

An error was identified in which the numerator (number of primary care physicians) and denominator (total population) values for custom geographic areas were reported as a multi-year aggregate rather than for a single year. Numerator and denominator values have been updated to represent the counts for year 2014 only. Rates expressed per 100,000 population were…

New maps and data now available for the Poor Mental Health Days indicator from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the University of Wisconsin’s County Health Rankings (CHR).

Data have been updated to the most recent time period (2017). Data are obtained from the the 2020 County Health Rankings, released on March 23, 2020. Affected Indicators: Poor Mental Health Days