New maps and data now available for selected measures of primary care access and quality from the Dartmouth Institute’s Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare.

Data for Medicare reporting year 2010 acquired from the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare (replacing data from years 2003-2007). Affected Indicators: Clinical Care Preventable Hospital Events Breast Cancer Screening (Mammogram) Diabetes Management (Hemoglobin A1c Test)

New maps and data now available for 4 indicators from the US Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns program.

New maps and data now available for 4 indicators from the 2012 US Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns (replacing data for 2011). Annual data depicting trends over time is now available for counties, states, and the US for 2008 through 2012. Affected indicators: Physical Environment Fast Food Restaurant Access Grocery Store Access Liquor Store Access…

New maps and data now available for food access indicators from the US Department of Agriculature (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS).

New data and maps from the USDA Economic Research Service measuring low food access have been processed and released. New estimates are based on 2010 population figures and grocery directories, replacing previous estimates which used inputs from 2006. Affected Indicators: Physical Environment Population with Low Food Access (Previously called Food Desert Population) Low Income Population…

New maps and data now available for Adult Obesity, Physical Inactivity, and Diabetes Prevalence indicators from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).

Data for 2010 acquired from the NCCDPHP Diabetes Interactive Atlases (replacing data for 2009). Confidence intervals now available for data through the map interface. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Obesity (Adult) Diabetes Prevalence Health Behaviors Physical Inactivity

New map and data table now available for Population Receiving SNAP Benefit indicator from the US Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) Program.

New data from the Census Bureau’s SAIPE program has been processed and released. New estimates are based on 2010 SNAP program data, replacing previous estimates which 2009 program data. Affected Indicators: Social & Economic Factors Population Receiving SNAP Benefits