New maps and data now available for physical / built environment indicators from the US Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns (CBP) database.

New data from the Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns program has been processed and released. New maps are aggregated to 2010 Census Tract boundaries. Affected Indicators: Physical Environment Fast Food Restaurant Access Grocery Store Access Liquor Store Access Recreation and Fitness Facility Access

Improvements made to US population estimates and establishment rates for Fast Food Restaurant Access and Grocery Store Access indicators.

Previous United States population estimates and establishment rate figures included population data for Puerto Rico. These figures have been adjusted to reflect only population estaimtes and establishments in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Affected indicators: Physical Environment Fast Food Restaurant Access Grocery Store Access

New maps and data now available for Low Birth Weight indicator from the CDC National Vital Statistics System (NVSS).

New 7-year estimates for 2006-2012 acquired from the CDC National Vital Statistics System (replacing 7-year estimates for 2003-2009). Indicator data now available broken out by race/ethnicity; trends over time now available for time periods 2002-2008 through 2006-2012. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Low Birth Weight

New maps and data now available for Lack of Prenatal Care and Low Birth Weight indicators from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS).

Data and maps now available for all counties with greater than 100,000 total population. Affected Indicators: Health Outcomes Low Birth Weight

New maps and data now available for one indicator from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) DataWarehouse.

Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) population data for 2013 has been acquired from the HRSA Data Warehouse and processed. Updates replace previous indicator data from the May 2012. Affected Indicators: Clinical Care Population Living in a Health Professional Shortage Area

Improvements made to US population estimates and establishment rates for Fast Food Restaurant Access and Grocery Store Access indicators (outside CA only).

Previous United States population estimates and establishment rate figures included population data for Puerto Rico. These figures have been adjusted to reflect only population estaimtes and establishments in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Affected indicators: Physical Environment Fast Food Restaurant Access Grocery Store Access

New maps and data no available for Federally Qualified Health Centers indicator from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Providers of Service (POS) dataset.

New data on the locations of Federally Qualified Health Centers has been updated to the CMS POS file from Quarter 3 of 2013 (replacing data from Quarter 4, 2012). Affected indicators: Clinical Care Federally Qualified Health Centers