New maps and data now available for Broadband Internet Access indicator!
Data has been updated to the most recent period (December 2020).
Data has been updated to the most recent period (December 2020).
Data for 2018 and 2019 acquired from the NCCDPHP Diabetes Interactive Atlases (replacing data for 2017). All the data from previous years since 2004 are updated as well by CDC for methodology change. Confidence intervals also available for data through the map interface. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Adult Obesity
New maps and data now available for the Medicare Population Demographics indicator from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Geographic Variation Public Use File. Data have been updated through report year 2019.
New maps and data now available for the 30-day Hospital Readmissions indicator from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Geographic Variation Public Use File. Data have been updated through report year 2019. Trends over time now available beginning with year 2010.
New maps and data now available for the Emegency Room Utilization Rate indicator from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Geographic Variation Public Use File. Data have been updated through report year 2019. Trends over time now available beginning with year 2010.
New map and data for chronic absenteeism (from the Office for Civil Rights) for school year 2017-18 are now available. Breakouts by race and ethnicity are also available.
New data on air toxics and emission source types that may pose health risks are released as the 2014 National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) by EPA in August 2018.
New maps and data now are available for the indicators from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Mapping Medicare Disparities (MMD) Data portal. Indicator data are reported for year 2019 (replacing data for 2017). Affected indicators: Clinical Care and Prevention Hospitalizations – Preventable Conditions Cancer Screening – Mammogram (Medicare) Prevention – Annual Wellness…
This new assessment indicator reports the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries with anyMental Health Diagnosis or Substance Use Disorder. Indicator data are reported for year 2019. Affected indicators: Clinical Care and Prevention Poor Mental Health – Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions
An error was identified in the query used to generate values for summarized areas. As a result, low birth weight was incorrect for multi-county areas, states, and the United States total. The issue has been corrected. Values for single-county areas are unchanged.