New indicator published! Maps and data now available for the Childcare Centers indicator from the 2022 County Health Rankings.***PREM***

The childcare centers data for the year of 2021 are now available. Data were from the 2021 Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) and are used for the 2022 County Health Rankings. The rate of childcare centers per 1,000 population under 5 years old are reported for US counties and states over the report period.

Population data are updated to use the 2020 population. Rate of 501c3 organizations per 100,000 population in the report tables and maps are also updated to reflect the trend.***PREM***

We updated the population data (denominator) and therefore affects the rates. The counts of non-profit organizations (numerator) stay the same (2020 data).

New maps and data are available for the NCES CCD indicator – Poverty – Children Eligible for Free/Reduced Price Lunch (2020-21).

New data on children eligible for free/reduced price lunch are available for the 2020-21 school year (replacing data for 2019-20). The yearly trend data since 2012-13 are also available. The data are from the NCES Common Core of Data (CCD) Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey Data (2020-21) and are for each school. CARES aggregated it…

New maps and data now available for Dartmouth Atlas primary care measures with Medicare enrollees – Recent Primary Care Visit (2019). ***PREM***

New Dartmouth Atlas data on percent and total of Medicare enrollees having annual ambulatory visit to a primary care clinician are available for 2019 on county, state, and HAS level. Time series data are now available for years 2008 through 2019. The racial disaggregation data are also available for 2019 for the three geographic levels.

New maps and data now available for Dartmouth Atlas primary care measures with Medicare enrollees – Diabetes Management (Hemoglobin A1c Test) (2019).

New Dartmouth Atlas data on diabetic Medicare enrollees receiving HbA1c testing are available for 2019 on county, state, and HAS level. Time series data are now available for years 2008 through 2019.

New maps and data for 2016-2020 now available for Lung Disease Mortality indicator!

New 5-year mortality rates for 2016-2020 are now available (replacing data for 2015-2019). Death counts were downloaded from the CDC WONDER query system. Total rates and race/ethnicity or gender statistics are reported for US counties and states with 10 or more deaths over the report period.  Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Lung Disease Mortality