New maps and data for 2016-2020 now available for Stroke Mortality indicator!

New 5-year mortality rates for 2016-2020 are now available (replacing data for 2015-2019). Death counts were downloaded from the CDC WONDER query system. Total rates and race/ethnicity or gender statistics are reported for US counties and states with 10 or more deaths over the report period.  Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Stroke Mortality

New maps and data for 2016-2020 now available for Homicide indicator!

New 5-year mortality rates for 2016-2020 are now available (replacing data for 2015-2019). Death counts were downloaded from the CDC WONDER query system. Total rates and race/ethnicity or gender statistics are reported for US counties and states with 10 or more deaths over the report period.  Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Homicide

New maps and data now available for SNAP-Authorized Food Store Access indicator from the US Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service.

Analysis was implemented to generate tract-level estimates of access to SNAP-authorized retailers. Counts of SNAP Retailers are current as of December, 2021. Population data are from the Federal Communications Commission 2020 Block-Level Population Estimates data files. Maps are now available at the 2019 census tract level.

New maps and data now available for Farmer’s Markets indicator from the US Department of Agriculture Marketing Service.

Locations of Farmer’s Markets and Farmer’s Markets accepting SNAP reflect the December, 2017 version of the inventory (replacing data from May, 2016). Indicator data are reported as the total number of markets per 100,000 total population.

New maps and data now available for the 2019 Community Resilience Estimates from the US Census Bureau’s Small Area Estimates program.

New data on predominant risk factors of community resilience are available for year 2019 (first data delivery from the data source since the experimental data launched in 2018). Affected Indicators: Social & Economic Factors Community Resilience Estimates

New maps and data for 2020 now available for Child Abuse and Neglect indicator!

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!