New maps and data for 2020 now available for the Built Environment – Recreation and Fitness Facility Access indicator!

Data from the latest County Business Patterns: 2020 dataset have been added to the platform! The CBP dataset reports the number of establishment by NAICS code for each county with >= 3 establishments. CARES calculate the recreation and fitness facilities rate per 100,000 population based on the 2020 Decennial Census population data. Check out the…

New maps and data for 2020 now available for the Built Environment – Social Associations indicator! ***PREM***

Data from the latest County Business Patterns: 2020 dataset have been added to the platform! The CBP dataset reports the number of establishment by NAICS code for each county with >= 3 establishments. CARES calculate the social associations rate per 100,000 population based on the 2020 Decennial Census population data. Check out the latest data…

New maps and data for 2020 now available for the Food Environment – Fast Food Restaurants indicator!

Data from the latest County Business Patterns: 2020 dataset have been added to the platform! The CBP dataset reports the number of establishment by NAICS code for each county with >= 3 establishments. CARES calculate the fast food restaurants rate per 100,000 population based on the 2020 Decennial Census population data. Check out the latest…

New maps and data for 2020 now available for the Food Environment – Grocery Stores indicator!

Data from the latest County Business Patterns: 2020 dataset have been added to the platform! The CBP dataset reports the number of establishment by NAICS code for each county with >= 3 establishments. CARES calculate the grocery stores rate per 100,000 population based on the 2020 Decennial Census population data. Check out the latest data…

New indicator published! Maps and data now available for the Childcare Cost Burden indicator from the 2022 County Health Rankings.***PREM***

The childcare cost burden data for the year of 2021&2020 are now available. Data were from the 2021&2020 Living Wage Calculator and Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates and are used for the 2022 County Health Rankings. The childcare costs for a household with two children as a percent of median household income are reported for…

New indicator published! Maps and data now available for the Access to Exercise Opportunities indicator from the 2022 County Health Rankings.***PREM***

The access to exercise opportunities data for the year of 2010&2021 are now available. Data were from the 2010&2021 Business Analyst, ESRI, YMCA & US Census Tigerline Files and are used for the 2022 County Health Rankings. The percentage of individuals in a county who live reasonably close to a location for physical activity are reported…

New maps and data now available for the Poor Physical Health Days indicator from the 2022 County Health Rankings.

The new poor physical health days data for the year of 2019 are now available (replacing data for 2018). Data were from the 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) annual survey and are used for the 2022 County Health Rankings. Average poor physical health days per Month for adults are reported for US counties and…

New maps and data now available for the Excessive Drinking indicator from the 2022 County Health Rankings.

The new excessive drinking data for the year of 2019 are now available (replacing data for 2018). Data were from the 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) annual survey and are used for the 2022 County Health Rankings. Percentage of adults self-reporting excessive drinking in the last 30 days are reported for US counties and…

New maps and data now available for the Teen Births indicator from the 2022 County Health Rankings.

The new seven-year average teen birth data for 2014-2020 are now available (replacing data for 2013-2019). Data were from the National Center for Health Statistics – Natality files and are used for the 2022 County Health Rankings. The seven-year average number of births per 1,000 female population age 15-19 are reported for US states and counties…

New indicator published! Maps and data now available for the Access to Dentists indicator from the 2022 County Health Rankings.***PREM***

The access to dentists data for the year of 2020 are now available. Data were from the 2020 Area Health Resources Files (AHRF) and are used for the 2022 County Health Rankings. The rate of dentists per 100,000 population are reported for US states and counties (data are suppressed for counties with population greater than 4,000…