Residential Vacancies – 2021 Q4
This layer displays residential vacancy rates and total residential vacancies in census tracts across the United States. Vacancy rates are reported quarterly.
This layer displays residential vacancy rates and total residential vacancies in census tracts across the United States. Vacancy rates are reported quarterly.
This layer displays percent change in resident population for the 50 states, the Discrict of Columbia and Puerto Rico from 2010 to 2020. This data was released as part of the decennial census in April 2020. For more information visis the website here.
This layer displays information about tax credits and tax deductions claimed by tax filers. Information is available for all ZIP codes and counties where 10 or more total tax returns were filed. Eligible tax payers may receive between $1 and over $5,000 in Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC).
This layer displays information about the prevalence of food insecurity by County, throughout the United States. This data is acquired from Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap hunger study. Data are estimates generated by Feeding America, using inputs from multiple data sources, including the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and…
This layer displays the estimated percent of population who are hesitant about receiving a COVID-19 vaccination.
This layer displays the percent of adults 18 years or older who have been fully vaccinated.
This layer displays Broadband access information at the County, Tract, and Block Group Level as of June, 2020.
Data for survey years 2010-2011 acquired from OSHPD (replacing data for survey year 2010 alone). Improved data processing techniques now generate crude and age-adjusted discharge rates per 10,000 population for select patient conditions. Indicator tables continue to report condition-specific discharge events as a percentage of total patient discharges by age, gender, race, and ethnicity groupings….
This indicator displays the total number of drinking water violations recorded in a two year period. Health-based violations include incidents where either the amount of contaminant exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL) safety standard, or where water was not treated properly.
New data available for RSEI Scores by state and county for the year 2019. A RSEI Score is a unitless value that accounts for the size of the chemical release, the fate and transport of the chemical through the environment, the size and location of the exposed population, and the chemical’s toxicity. RSEI scores are…