Census 2020 Population Change
The new county level population data is out from the U.S. Census! This layer shows the total population change and the percent change from the 2010 census numbers for the state of Missouri.
The new county level population data is out from the U.S. Census! This layer shows the total population change and the percent change from the 2010 census numbers for the state of Missouri.
New maps and data now are available for the Tobacco Product Compliance Check Violations PREMIUM indicator. Data have been updated to reflect year 2018-2020, replacing data for 2017-2019.
This layer displays information obtained from analysis of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Compliance Check Inspections of Tobacco Product Retailers database. This database contains address-level records for each retailer inspection – including decision date, violation type, and tobacco product type – dating back to 2011. These address-level records are geocoded and aggregated to the…
New maps and data now are available for the Hospitals with Cardiac Rehabilitation Units indicator. Data have been updated to reflect hospitals in 2019, replacing data for 2018.
New maps and data now are available for the Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence indicator. Data have been updated for the 2018 reporting period, replacing data for 2017. Population subgroup data by race and ethnicity are now available.
New maps and data now are available for the Coronary Heart Disease Hospitalizations indicator. Data have been updated for the 2016-2018 reporting period, replacing data for 2015-2017. Trends over time now available for three-year periods beginning with 2011-2013.
New maps and data now are available for the Stroke Hospitalizations indicator. Data have been updated for the 2016-2018 reporting period, replacing data for 2015-2017. Trends over time now available for three-year periods beginning with 2011-2013.
This layer displays the rate of blood pressure medication non-adherence among Medicare beneficiaries by county in the year 2018.
This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for heart attack. Data are reported at the county level for the 2016-18 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke.
This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for coronary heart disease. Data are reported at the county level for the 2016-18 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke.