New maps and data for 2020 now available for Child Abuse and Neglect indicator!

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!

Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse or Neglect

Data are collected from the Missouri Department of Social Services Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline Unit (CANHU). CANHU accepts confidential reports of suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Missouri’s toll-free number for reporting child abuse/neglect is 1-800-392- 3738. Mandated reporters can also report online at The CANHU is operated year-round on a 24 hours per day,…

New maps and data for 2019 now available for the Stroke (Adult) indicator! ***PREM***

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!

New maps and data for 2019 now available for the Poor Physical Health indicator! ***PREM***

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!

New maps and data for 2019 now available for the Poor or Fair Health indicator!

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!

New maps and data for 2019 now available for the Poor Mental Health indicator! ***PREM***

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!

New maps and data for 2019 now available for the Chronic Conditions – High Cholesterol (Adult) indicator! ***PREM***

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!

New maps and data for 2019 now available for the Chronic Conditions – High Blood Pressure (Adult) indicator! ***PREM***

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!

New maps and data for 2019 now available for the Chronic Conditions – Heart Disease (Adult) indicator! ***PREM***

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!

New maps and data for 2019 now available for the Chronic Conditions – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Adult) indicator! ***PREM***

Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!