Air Toxics – Cancer Risk by Census Tract
Layer displays the modelled cancer risk associated with air toxics exposure. Figures represents the liklihood of hazardous exposure per 1 million population.
Layer displays the modelled cancer risk associated with air toxics exposure. Figures represents the liklihood of hazardous exposure per 1 million population.
This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels from the Urban Institute’s 2022 Debt in America. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections based on February 2022 credit bureau records.
This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels from the Urban Institute’s 2022 Debt in America. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections based on February 2022 credit bureau records.
This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels from the Urban Institute’s 2022 Debt in America. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections based on February 2022 credit bureau records.
This layer displays debt information at the 2022 state and county levels provided by The Urban Institute. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections. Demographic information is from the 2019 American Community Survey.
Data from the latest BRFSS PLACES dataset have been added to the platform! The PLACES dataset provide prevalence estimates representing the year 2019 for population health behaviors and conditions. Data are available for counties, ZIP codes, cities, and census tracts across the United States. Check out the latest data by creating a new assessment today!
The 2020 Area Deprivation Index is now available! The ADI map displays rankings of neighborhoods by socioeconomic status disadvantage in a region of interest (e.g. at the state or national level). It includes factors for the theoretical domains of income, education, employment, and housing quality. It can be used to inform health delivery and policy,…
Map layers from the 2020 Business Dynamics Statistics database are now available! This Census Bureau dataset contains information on establishment and employment changes between 2019 and 2020. The linked map layer displays the rate of change for total business establishments between 2019 and 2020 in counties across the United States. Rates are calculated per 100…
Data showing employment changes between 2019 and 2020 in US businesses are now available! These data are from the 2020 Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) database, which provides annual measures of business dynamics (such as job creation and destruction, establishment births and deaths, and firm startups and shutdowns) for the economy overall and aggregated by establishment…
Data for the 2020 Area Deprivation Index (ADI) are now available! The ADI is a ranking of neighborhoods by socioeconomic status disadvantage in a region of interest (e.g. at the state or national level). It includes factors for the theoretical domains of income, education, employment, and housing quality. It can be used to inform health…