Cancer Screening – Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy, 2020 ***PRO***

New maps and data are now available for the Cancer Screening – Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy (recommended colorectal cancer screening with relevant frequencies among adults aged 50–75 years) indicator from the BRFSS PLACES dataset as released in 2022. Data have been updated for the 2020 reporting period, replacing data for 2018 (this indicator follows an even…

Cancer Screening – Cervical Cancer Screening, 2020 ***PRO***

New maps and data are now available for the Cancer Screening – Cervical Cancer Screening (recommended cervical cancer screening with relevant frequencies among women aged 21–65 years) indicator from the BRFSS PLACES dataset as released in 2022. Data have been updated for the 2020 reporting period, replacing data for 2018 (this indicator follows an even…

New maps and data now available for the National Risk Index (Nov. 2021 version) from the FEMA.

New data and map are now available for the FEMA National Risk Index scores from the summation of all 18 hazard types and by hazard type for each county and Census tract. Check them out today to learn your community’s relative position among all other communities in facing certain natural hazards and get prepared early!