Opioid Use Disorder by County, Medicare Population, 2021
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries with opioid use disorder in the latest report year (2020).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries with opioid use disorder in the latest report year (2020).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries with tobacco usage in the latest report year (2020).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received a mammography in the latest report year (2020).
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received an annual wellness exam in the latest report year (2020).
New maps and data for 2021 now available for Annual Influenza Vaccination from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) FluVaxView.
Layer displays cancer incidence rates (all sites) per 100,000 population by state and county. Additional map layers from this update include incidence rates for breast cancer, colon and rectum cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and more.
This layer displays information from the US 2020 Decennial Census, which provides vacant housing units for all geographic areas. A vacant Housing Unit is when no one is living in it at the time of the interview, unless its occupants are only temporarily absent. This data was released as part of the decennial census in…
This layer displays information from the US 2020 Decennial Census, which provides occupied housing units for all geographic areas. An occupied Housing is when a person or group of persons is living in it at the time of the interview or if the occupants are only temporarily absent, as for example, on vacation. This data…
This layer displays percent of population living in rural areas as of 2020. This data was released as part of the decennial census in April 2020. For more information visis the Census.gov website here.
This layer displays percent of population living in urban areas as of 2020. Urban areas are identified using population density, count, and size thresholds. This data was released as part of the decennial census in April 2020. For more information visis the Census.gov website here.