New Data! Visit the Map Room to access data for four new map layers from the CDC’s BRFSS Places!

New data include prevalence estimates for adult depression, high cholesterol, blood pressure control, and general health status. Estimates from the PLACES Project are available at the county, city, ZIP Code, and census tract levels for nearly every community in the United States. For more map layers from this series, search the Map Room for the terms BRFSS PLACES.

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Park Access by Census Tract and County

This updated dataset reports the number and percentage of people within a buffer of ½ mile radius of a park at the census tract level. Data were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (EPHTN). Park boundaries used in the CDC analysis are from Esri StreetMap Premium/HERE, 2016, and the 2015 PAD-US.

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